Example sets

These tables show an example set for each card. However, more sets are possible.

Disclaimer: this resource is for educational use only and does not constitute or replace medical advice.

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DECK 1 - Puffing and Pumping

adenosine arrythmia breaks re-entry circuit avoid in asthma
amiodarone arrythmia reduces ventricular rate avoid in heart block
digoxin atrial fibrillation Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor therapeutic drug monitoring
atropine bradycardia muscarinic receptor antagonist constipation
rivaroxaban prevent / treat blood clots direct factor Xa inhibitor interaction with warfarin
warfarin prevent / treat blood clots vitamin K antagonist take in the evening
enoxaparin prophylaxis of VTE low MW heparin bleeding
aspirin prophylaxis of CVD COX-1/2 inhibitor gastrointestinal discomfort
clopidogrel prevent blood clots P2Y12 receptor antagonist check pharmacogenetics
bisoprolol heart failure β1-adrenoceptor antagonist avoid in asthma
ipratropium asthma/COPD short-acting antimuscarinic dry mouth
salbutamol reversible airway disease β2-adrenoceptor agonist emergency medicine adult 5mg
any drug any indication any mechanism of action any side effect

DECK 2 - More Puffing, More Pumping

amlodipine angina calcium channel blocker peripheral oedema
spironolactone hypertension aldosterone antagonist hyperkalaemia (discontinue)
furosemide oedema NKCC2 inhibitor hypotension
indapamide hypertension NaCl transport inhibitor contraindicated with adrenaline
simvastatin reduce cholesterol HMG CoA synthase inhibitor muscle complaints
glyceryl trinitrate angina NO donor hypotension
ramipril hypertension ACE inhibitor dry cough
losartan chronic kidney disease angiotensin receptor blocker avoid OTC anti-inflammatories
adrenaline CPR adrenoceptor agonist emergency medicine adult 0.5 mg
alteplase ischaemic stroke plasminogen activator exclude intracranial haemorrhage
fluticasone asthma/COPD inhaled corticosteroid oral candidiasis
montelukast asthma / allergic rhinitis leukotriene receptor antagonist respiratory tract infection
any drug any indication any mechanism of action any side effect


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